Peter Gelderloos: Why Green Energy Won’t Help Stop Climate Change

The Polar Bl@st

Why is green energy a sham? Let’s start with what we know.

*Climate change is real. Weather patterns around the planet are being violently disrupted and average temperatures are rising at a dangerous rate.

*The trigger for this change is the drastic increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

*The increase is being caused by energy production, by deforestation, by industrial pollution, and by current agricultural practices.

Therefore, we need to produce increasing amounts of green energy, energy from renewable sources like wind, solar, and hydro in order to remove one of the major sources of greenhouse gases.

If that conclusion sounded logical to you, you’ve just been had.

Confused? Go back to the premises and see if you can figure out how the argument for green energy is actually a non sequitur, a bait and switch.

The problem is actually deceptively simple. It is logical to believe that decreasing…

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