Call for review of New Zealand’s approval of GE rice – GE Free New Zealand

The Polar Bl@st

There are renewed concerns about the approval by Food Standard Australia NZ (FSANZ) of GE Golden Rice, following a ruling by The Philippine Supreme Court that Syngenta must “cease and desist” any commercialisation and propagation of the GE rice.

The Philippine Supreme Court has required independent risk and impact assessments to be undertaken and for consent from the farmers and indigenous peoples before progressing. [1]

But the GE Golden Rice has already been approved by Food Standard Australia NZ (FSANZ). In 2017 Food Standards Australia New Zealand approved the entry of Genetically Engineered Golden Rice into the human food chain.

“This is an important decision and acknowledges the concerns of MASIPAG and the civil society organisations who took this case,” said Claire Bleakley, president of GE-Free NZ.

FSANZ are charged with upholding safeguards for public health and consumer protection in an effective and transparent way and should enable consumers to…

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Fighting for climate justice means being anti-war

The Polar Bl@st

Crass Fight War Not Wars Crust Punk Patch | Etsy

We cannot end climate change without ending war. The United States military is the planet’s largest single emitter of greenhouse gasses and consumer of oil. The US military and its weapons, consistently deployed to secure economic dominance for the few while ensuring suffering for the many, has no place on a just and livable planet. The corporate interests and fascist, militarist tendencies that lead humanity into conflict are the very same that view our Earth, its atmosphere, and its abundant life as a resource to be exploited for profit. Ending war means ending the war economy – the colonial system of extraction and exploitation that got us into this mess in the first place.

That a more peaceful world could be a result of the broad system change climate activists are calling for is no coincidence. But the theoretical intersection alone isn’t enough! Environmentalists and climate change activists must make…

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Peter Gelderloos: Why Green Energy Won’t Help Stop Climate Change

The Polar Bl@st

Why is green energy a sham? Let’s start with what we know.

*Climate change is real. Weather patterns around the planet are being violently disrupted and average temperatures are rising at a dangerous rate.

*The trigger for this change is the drastic increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

*The increase is being caused by energy production, by deforestation, by industrial pollution, and by current agricultural practices.

Therefore, we need to produce increasing amounts of green energy, energy from renewable sources like wind, solar, and hydro in order to remove one of the major sources of greenhouse gases.

If that conclusion sounded logical to you, you’ve just been had.

Confused? Go back to the premises and see if you can figure out how the argument for green energy is actually a non sequitur, a bait and switch.

The problem is actually deceptively simple. It is logical to believe that decreasing…

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